Check-in time is 1200Hrs and Check-out time is 1000Hrs. We allow day day room use until 1800Hrs at the day use rate specified.
Extra guest must provide their identification and will incur an extra charge.
The cancellation policy requires all amendments and cancellations to be finalized 35 days prior to the booked arrival date. Any cancellation
within 34 to 14days will result in a 25% room charge. Within 14 to 2 days will result to 50% room charge and within 2 days and No-show will
attract 100% charges. This will be charged to the Credit/Debit card used to guarantee the booking.
Please note that personal cheques are not accepted without prior arrangements. Card payments are not refundable until cleared by the bank.
We accept all major world currencies.
Hillpark Hotel Tiwi Beach
Likoni-Ukunda Rd,
Ukunda, Kenya
Tel.: +254 (072)232-8365